Get a return from owning Dash

Obtain the benefit of Dash Masternodes without having 1000 Dash in collateral.

Read below for our services explained in more detail

Dash and the use of Masternodes

The Dash Network is driven by a number of Masternodes which is an essential part of facilitating payments. The services that are performed by the Masternodes are being remunerated from new Dash provided to the network.

A Masternode needs 1000 Dash as a collateral and each Masternode is currently being rewarded approximately 6.9% per annum.

As most people do not have exactly 1000 Dash at hand, we have made a service where we by pooling deposits from members can achieve the benefits of owning a Masternode.

There is no costs in joining the pool and you only need 1 Dash to join.

Our pricing structure is super simple: We take a 15% cut on the rewards from the Masternodes.

Joining the pool

Our member Dash pool consists of all deposits received. When it is possible to start a new Masternode we will do so as soon as possible. All members in the pool are being rewarded by all of the Masternodes in the pool, however, there is a qualifying period of one reward from the Dash network when joining a Masternode.

Receiving rewards

You will receive fractional payments automatically and they will by default be reinvested, however, it is also easy to set up automatic withdrawals to receive recurring payouts.

Leaving the pool

Members are free to leave the pool and can most often leave immediately. In case of larger withdrawals we will pay withdrawals within two weeks. This is due to ourĀ security protocols and will most often be handled much faster.


What is a Dash Masternode?
The peer-to-peer network of Masternodes constitute the backbone of the Dash network. Beyond acting as regular nodes relaying transactions, Masternodes are required to provide extra services which enable InstantSend, PrivateSend, DashDrive and more. Masternodes run on powerful hardware and robust internet connections which ensures reliable operation of the Dash network even in situations with high transaction rates (on-chain scaling).